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Internship Opportunities for LPC-Interns
As an LPC-Intern, beginning the process of obtaining your LPC license can be challenging. Therefore, choosing a supervisor that compliments you both personally and professionally can make the process easier.
As a supervisor, I will work with you as a guide and mentor, facilitating your success and professional growth.
LPC-Interns Requirements to start supervision:
Copy of temporary license
Copy of NCE score
Copy of transcript (unofficial)
Copy of Liability Insurance
Supervisor Contract signed
State required licensing application
An LPC-Intern will receive:
3,000 Direct and Indirect hours
supervision hours
Guidance through sessions
Learn how to build your own practice
Learn marketing strategies
Learn how to network
Meet other interns
Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors Requirements:
A master's or doctoral degree in counseling or a counseling-related field from an accredited college or university
Applicants must obtain academic course work in each of the following areas: normal human growth and development; abnormal human behavior; appraisal or assessment techniques; counseling theories; counseling methods or techniques (individual and group); research; lifestyle and career development; social, cultural and family issues; and professional orientation
As part of the graduate program, a supervised practicum experience, that is primarily counseling in nature. The practicum should be at least 300 clock-hours with at least 100 clock-hours of direct client contact. Academic credit for the practicum must appear on the applicant's transcript.
After completion of the graduate degree and before application, an applicant must take and pass the National Counselor Exam and the Texas Jurisprudence Exam. After receiving a temporary LPC license from the board, the applicant may begin the supervised post-graduate counseling experience (internship). 3000 clock-hours with at least 1,500 being direct client contact of internship under the supervision of a board-approved supervisor is required. The 3000 clock-hours may not be completed in a time period of less than 18 month.